
I would decay if I could feel alive
Throw it all away if it meant no hurt
They want me detained for attaining a self where the pain don’t work
When feelings of worthlessness take rise
I see where my inner demons lurk
And they
wanna play when you ain’t there to take me away from earth
It’s warming up
Its war if you leave me
You breathe your life into me
But my heart beats faster every time we speak
It’s like the antidote to life is slowly killing me
But I’ll take the ris
k to the grave
Despite the damage on my mind I only fuel the pain
But I die more when you go away
I’m feeling the burn deep down inside
A desperate cling to the way it hurts
I’m feeling myself It don’t help
Need a spell Myself’s a curse
Can naught
but a swallow save my pride?
My sanity shifting in reverse
Is everyone waiting to save me I guess I’ll save me first
It’s warming up
It’s war if you leave me
You breathe your life into me
But my heart beats faster every time we speak
It’s like the a
ntidote to life is slowly killing me
But I’ll take the risk to the grave
Despite the damage on my mind, I only fuel the pain
But I die more when you go away

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Release Date : September 20, 2024
Artist : ColdWards
Genres : Alternative, Rock
labels : Wake Up! Music Rocks, Wake Up! Music Rocks - Rock/Metal Releases
Format : CD